AW2400 Owner’s Manual
Convenient functions for mixdown/bounce
Mixdown and bounce operations
Here we will explain some functions that you will find convenient when performing mixdown or
bounce operations.
Fader Grouping is a function that links the fader opera-
tions of multiple channels. For example if you’ve recorded
multiple track channels of drums or chorus, you can
assign these drum channels or chorus channels to the same
fader group so that moving any one of the faders in the
group will adjust all of the levels together.
Call the MONITOR screen Fader Grp. page
by either pressing the Quick Navigate sec-
tion [MONITOR] key as many times as nec-
essary, or by pressing the [F2] key after
pressing the [MONITOR] key.
This page contains the following items.
1 ENABLE field
Use these buttons to switch fader groups A–D on/off.
The A–D buttons will be highlighted to indicate fader
groups that are turned on. You will also use this field to
select the fader group that you want to operate.
B INPUT field
C TRACK field
These areas indicate the fader group to which each
input channel 1–16 and track channel 1–24 is
assigned. The “●” symbol indicates channels that are
assigned, and the “...” symbol indicates channels that
are not assigned.
In the ENABLE field, move the cursor to the
button A–D of the fader group that you want
to operate.
Use the Layer section keys, the [INPUT
SEL] keys, and the [SEL] keys to select the
channels that you want to assign to this
fader group.
The assignment to the fader group will alternately be
switched on or off each time you press the [INPUT
SEL] key or [SEL] key.
Repeat steps 2–3 to make assignments for
other fader groups.
To enable a fader group, move the cursor to
the A–D buttons and press the [ENTER]
Buttons A–D can be turned on/off independently.
Operate a channel that is assigned to a
fader group.
The faders of all channels assigned to that fader group
will move in tandem.
Convenient functions for mixdown/bounce
Fader Group assignments
• If you want to defeat all assignments for the fader group
you’re currently operating, hold down the Display section
[SHIFT] key and press the [F1] key.
• If you want to defeat all assignments in the Fader Grp. page,
hold down the [Display section [SHIFT] key and press the [F2]
•You can’t assign a single channel to more than one fader
• When operating channels that are assigned to a fader group,
you must use only one fader. If you attempt to move two or
more faders simultaneously, the motor faders will be stressed,
and possibly damaged.
• If you want to adjust the fader value for only a specific channel
that is assigned to a fader group, operate its fader while hold-
ing down the [SEL] key or [INPUT SEL] key for that channel.
• The fader group assignments are available even when Trigger
Track mode is engaged.
• The fader group assignments in the Fader Grp. page can be
copied to the Mute Grp. page by holding down the Display
section [SHIFT] key and pressing the [F4] key.