6. Printing Data
The RS232 parameters for the 948/968 serial interface are configured in Section
5.3. The variables are:
•Remote Control Interface (On/Off)
•Baud Rate (300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, or 9600)
•Carriage Return (With or Without Line Feed)
•Handshake (Off, Pin 5 CTS, Pin 5 Busy, or XON/XOFF Enabled)
The manner in which output data is arranged is determined by the Format Output
Parameter settings in Section 5.4. The variables are:
•Printout (Auto, Store Data, Off)
•Output Type (Computer, Printer, Spectral)
•All Print (On/Off)
•Print Header (On/Off)
•Print References (On/Off)
•Decimal Point (On/Off)
Data is transmitted from the serial port after each measurement if "Printout" is set
to Auto. The display will show "TRANSMITTING DATA" while transmission is
taking place, and then return back to normal operation.
The following three pages contain some examples of the different types of outputs
that can be obtained according to the Format Output Parameter settings.