Write Datapath
Controller to Write Datapath Interface
Table 2 lists the signals required from the controller to the write datapath.
Table 2: Controller to Write Datapath Signals
Signal Name
Signal Description Notes
ctrl_WrEn 1 Output from the controller to the write
Write DQS and DQ generation
begins when this signal is asserted.
Asserted for two CLKDIV_0 cycles for a burst length
of 4 and three CLKDIV_0 cycles for a burst length of
Asserted one CLKDIV_0 cycle earlier than the
WRITE command for CAS latency values of 4 and
Figure 5 and Figure 6 show the timing relationship
of this signal with respect to the WRITE command.
ctrl_wr_disable 1 Output from the controller to the write
Write DQS and DQ generation ends
when this signal is deasserted.
Asserted for one CLKDIV_0 cycle for a burst length
of 4 and two CLKDIV_0 cycles for a burst length of
Asserted one CLKDIV_0 cycle earlier than the
WRITE command for CAS latency values of 4 and
Figure 5 and Figure 6 show the timing relationship
of this signal with respect to the WRITE command.
ctrl_Odd_Latency 1 Output from controller to write
Asserted when the selected CAS
latency is an odd number, e.g., 5.
Required for generation of write DQS
and DQ after the correct write
latency (CAS latency – 1).
March 2006 Memory Interfaces Solution Guide 59