How to customize the MAX 200 169
Identifying the system features (continued)
Feature Feature description and options
Plotter setup, page 183. Allows access to setup the plotter interface defaults.
Set default time
to plot, page 183.
Sets up the delay time for switching to copy mode from plot mode.
Options: 10 sec., 1 minute, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes,
20 minutes.
Set delay time to
copy, page 185.
Sets up the delay time from copy mode to plot mode.
Options: no delay, 30 sec., 1 minute, 3 minutes, 5 minutes,
7 minutes, 10 minutes.
Folder, page 187. Sets up the default fold for plot mode (this feature is not used with
some plotter software).
Options: P1, no fold, P2, P3.
Loading stamp data,
page 190.
Sets the default for stamp data to be loaded manually or automatic.
Options: auto load, manual load.
Additional setting, page
Provides additional system settings for future needs.
Automatic switching
from roll to tray (copy
Code: 10 Options: on (0), off (1).
Automatic switching
from roll to tray (plot
Code: 11 Options: on (0), off (1).
The starting point of
stamp location
Code: 110 Options: lead edge (0), tail edge (1)
Synchronized cutting
with auto mode
Code: 200 Options: off (0), on (1)
Default cut mode for
auto mode when
default for manual
mode is set to long
Code: 210 Options: standard (0), synchronized (1)