Step 4: Wiring the Inverter
975-0239-01-01 2–11
Torque Values for the XW Power Distribution Panel
Inverter Grounding
Backfeed Protection Requirements
Table 2-7
Torque Values for AC Disconnects and AC Breakers
Wire Size Torque Value
AWG In-lb N-m
16–10 45 5
6–4 45 5
Table 2-8
Torque Values for the Ground Bus, AC Neutral Bus, DC Negative Bus, and DC
Positive Bus in the XW Power Distribution Panel
Wire Size Torque Value
AWG In-lbs N-m
14 - 10 35 4.0
6 - 4 45 5.1
3 - 2/0 50 5.6
Table 2-9
Torque Values for the Power Distribution Bars in the XW Power Distribution
Wire Size Torque Value
AWG In-lbs N-m
14 - 10 35 4.0
6 - 4 45 5.1
3 - 2/0 50 5.6
Table 2-10
Torque Values for the Battery Cables to the DC Negative Bus, and DC
Positive Bus in the XW Power Distribution Panel
Torque Value
Ft-lbs N-m
15 20.4
The grounding requirements vary by country and by application. All installations
must comply with national and local codes. Consult local and national codes for specific grounding
and bonding requirements for the desired installation.
Installers must make allowance for the amount of power that can
be fed into a distribution panel and the means and location for feed-in, in
accordance with NEC 2005 article 690.64 or similar requirements of the local
electrical code.