Voltage Calibration
Set the sense switch to local. Switch output ON and set output volts to exactly 0.02V on the
display. Switch output OFF and adjust VR16/116 (preset Volts offset compensation) for exactly
0.02V on the display.
Connect the DMM (set to Volts) across the output. Switch output ON (check LED is on) and check
the Amps display reads 0.00 ± 0.01A.
Set voltage and current controls to maximum. Adjust VR5/105 (maximum output volts) for a
reading of 60.21V to 60.36V on the DMM. Adjust VR17/117 (measured output volts) until the Volts
display matches the reading on the external DMM.
Switch output OFF. Adjust VR10/110 (preset volts) until the Volts display shows the previous
Current Calibration
With output OFF, set voltage to 10.00V and connect the 1kΩ resistor across the output terminals.
With output ON, adjust VR11/111 (current sense amp offset compensation) until the Amps display
shows 0.01. Remove 1kΩ resistor.
Switch output OFF. Set current limit control to minimum. Connect the DMM (set to Amps) and
load in series across the output. Switch output ON.
Adjust VR8/108 (offset compensation of current control error amp) for a reading of 0.003A
± .001A on the DMM. Check that the CI LED is ON and display reads 0.00.
Increase current control to maximum. Adjust load until the DMM reads 20.XX Amps. Adjust
VR7/107 (measured output current) until the Amps display matches the DMM reading.
Reduce load until the CI LED is ON. Adjust VR4/104 (maximum output current) until the Amps
display shows 20.2X.
Voltage Regulation
Connect + sense to the + output terminal, connect – sense to the – output terminal. Select
Remote Sense.
Connect the DMM (set to Volts) across the sense terminals, no load, output ON.
Adjust voltage controls for a reading of 18.xxxx on the DMM; note exact reading.
Connect load of approximately 10A to the output terminals and adjust VR9/109 (differential
voltage gain) until the external DMM matches the previous reading exactly.
Switch output OFF. Disconnect load. Adjust VR14/114 fully clockwise. With front panel OVP
button held down, adjust front panel SET OVP control until display shows 18.XXXVolts. Release
OVP button and adjust voltage controls until preset output volts match OVP voltage setting
± 0.02V. Switch output ON. Adjust VR14/114 slowly anti-clockwise until display just shows 'trip'.
Turn output OFF, reduce fine output Volts a little and turn output ON again. Increase fine Volts
slowly until output just trips again; check that output Volts are the same as OVP volts ± 0.05V.
If not, then repeat procedure, otherwise reset front panel OVP control to MAX.