Local Operation
Using Multiple Supplies
68 Operating Manual for XFR 2.8kW Series Power Supply
Two Positive Voltages To obtain two positive voltages, connect the negative
output terminals of both supplies together in a common connection. The positive
output terminals will provide the required voltages with respect to the common
connection. See Figure 3.4.
Figure 3.4 Split Supply Operation of Multiple Supplies
(Two Positive Voltages)
(Local sense lines shown are default J10 connections.)
Positive-negative Supply
To obtain a positive-negative supply, connect the negative output terminal of one
supply to the positive output terminal of the second supply. The positive output
terminal of the first supply then provides a positive voltage relative to the common
connection while the negative output terminal of the second supply provides a
negative voltage. You can set the current limits independently. The maximum current
available in split supply operation is equal to the rated output of the supplies. For
example, 70 A for two 40 V, 70 A models. See Figure 3.5.
To prevent possible damage to the supply, do not connect the remote program
return line of the negative supply to the common connection.