Error Messages
Errors are placed in a queue as they are detected. The queue works on a first in,
first out (FIFO) basis. If the queue overflows, the last error in the queue is
replaced with error –350, “Queue Overflow”. When all errors have been read
from the queue, further error queries return 0, “No error”.
The error queue is cleared when any of the following occur (IEEE 488.2, section
• Upon receipt of a *CLS command
• Upon reading the last item from the queue
All negative values are reserved by the SCPI standard. All errors unique to the
power supply have positive values.
Command Error List
An error in the range [-199, -100] indicates that an IEEE 488.2 syntax error has
been detected by the instrument’s parser. The occurrence of any error in this class
causes the command error bit (bit 5) in the Event Status Register to be set.
Table D-1
Command Error List
Error code Error Message Description
-100 Command error
This is the generic syntax error.
-105 GET not allowed
A Group Execute Trigger was received within a program message.
-114 Header suffix out of range
The value of a numeric suffix attached to a program mnemonic is out of
range. May refer to multichannel addressing, auto sequence number or auto
sequence step number.
-120 Numeric data error
This error is generated when parsing a data element which appears to be
numeric, including the non-decimal numeric types.
-123 Exponent too large
The magnitude of the exponent was larger than 32000.
-151 Invalid string data
The data with the enclosed (“) double apostrophes (string) is invalid.
Possibility of wrong length or character.
TM-XDOP-01XN.book Page 2 Monday, July 17, 2006 11:19 AM