SCPI Commands for Digital Interfaces
TM-XDOP-01XN 4–53
VOLTage Sub-Register
This shows whether the present voltage level is over or under the specified trip
CURRent Sub-Register
This shows whether the present current level is over or under the specified trip
POWer Sub-Register
This shows whether the present power level is over or under the specified trip
Table 4-16
VOLTage Sub-Register
Bit Bit Weight Bit Name Description
0 1 Over VOLtage Set if the supply’s output voltage exceeds the over-voltage trip
level, either user-specified variable trip limit, or the fixed trip
1 2 Under VOLtage Set if the supply’s output voltage is less than the user-specified
under-voltage trip level (variable trip limit) and the supply is in
Operation state.
Table 4-17
CURRent Sub-Register
Bit Bit Weight Bit Name Description
0 1 Over CURrent Set if the supply’s output current is greater than the user-
specified over-current trip level (variable trip limit) and the
supply is in Operation state.
1 2 Under CURrent Set if the supply’s output current is less than the user-specified
under current trip level (variable trip limit) and the supply is in
Operation state.
Table 4-18
POWer Sub-Register
Bit Bit Weight Bit Name Description
0 1 Over POWer Set if the supply’s output power is greater than the user-
specified over-power trip level (variable trip limit), and the
supply is in Operation state.
1 2 Under POWer Set if the supply’s output power is less than the user-specified
under-power trip level (variable trip limit), and the supply is in
Operation state.
TM-XDOP-01XN.book Page 53 Monday, July 17, 2006 11:19 AM