Remote Operation
4–46 TM-XDOP-01XN
Table 4-9
OPERation Status Register
Bit Bit Weight Bit Name Description
0 1 CALibrating Indicates that the supply is in CALibration Mode.
1 2 SETTling Not implemented
2 4 RANGing Not implemented
3 8 SWEeping Not implemented
4 16 MEASuring Not implemented
5 32 Waiting for TRIGger
Indicates if the supply is waiting for a TRIGger.
6 64 Waiting for ARM Summary Not implemented
7 128 CORRecting Not implemented
8 256 REGulating Summary Reflects the summary of the REGulating Sub-Register.
9 512 SHUTdown Summary Reflects the summary of the SHUTdown Sub-Register.
10 1024 Remote CONtrol Summary Reflects the summary of the Remote CONtrol Sub-
11 2048 Current SHareSummary Reflects the summary of the Current Share Sub-
12 4096 Not Used Not used
13 8192 INSTrument Summary Not implemented
14 16384 PROGram Running Indicates that an Automated Sequence is running.
15 32768 Not Used Not used
TM-XDOP-01XN.book Page 46 Monday, July 17, 2006 11:19 AM