User Menu Description
976-0043-01-02 8–23
04B Battery Comp Vdc
This menu item display shows the battery voltage after it has been
compensated based on the battery temperature and the input current.
These two compensation values are used by the battery charger for its
regulation settings and are only used when the inverter is charging.
The temperature compensation value will decrease from the actual battery
voltage if the battery is cold and will increase if the battery is hot. This
improves the performance of the battery in cold weather and reduces
gassing in hot weather.
The current compensation helps coordinate a large difference in current
requirements between two units on the same battery bank. The
compensation is usually not enabled unless one unit is using a large
amount of battery current to power its AC loads and the other unit is using
a large amount of current to keep the battery charged.
04C Inverter/Charger Amps AC
This menu item displays the AC amperage. A positive (+) amp reading
indicates the inverter/charger is charging the batteries. A negative (–)
reading indicates the inverter/charger is powering the AC loads and the
batteries are being discharged.
04D Input Amps AC
This menu item displays the total AC amperage supplied to the inverter/
charger from the AC HOT IN terminals. This meter indicates the inverter/
charger is drawing power from the AC source to charge the battery or
power the AC loads.
04E Load Amps AC
This menu item displays the AC amperage supplied to the AC loads.
04F Inverter Volts AC
This menu item displays the inverter’s AC output voltage. When
synchronized to the AC source, the inverter’s output voltage matches the
AC source.
The BTS must be installed for the battery voltage to be adjusted based
on temperature.