Command Reference
44 Operating Manual for RS-232 for XPD Series Power Supply
Command Description
OUT <1/ON>,<0/OFF> Enables or disables the supply’s voltage/current output. The supply will
continue to accept new commands while the output is disabled but these
will not be implemented until OUT ON or OUT 1 is received. OUT ON is the
default setting. When you start the supply in remote mode, the output is
OUT OFF (or OUT 0) also sets the isolation signal on the rear panel J21
connector, line 3. You can use the to trip external relays to isolate the power
supply from the load.
Initial value: OUT ON (or OUT 1) for output enabled
OUT? Asks for the present enabled/disabled status of the supply’s output
Response: OUT 1 output enabled or
OUT 0 output disabled
OVCAL Causes the master controller to perform automatic calibration of the
supply’s over voltage protection circuitry. Set CMODE ON before using this
command. Ensure jumper J2 on the RS-232 Interface PCB is connected for
remote operation.
OVSET <voltage> Sets the supply’s over voltage protection trip point in volts (default) or in
millivolts. If the trip point is exceeded, or if the trip point value is lower than
the present output voltage setting, the supply will ignore the command, turn
on the ERR LED, and set the ERR bit in the accumulated status register.
Reset with the RST command.
Range: 0 to 110% of model maximum output voltage (VMAX)
Initial value: 110% of model VMAX
OVSET? Asks for the supply’s present over voltage protection limit.
Response: OVSET <voltage>
REM <1/ON>,<0/OFF> Remote Enable. When set to REM 0, the power supply is in local mode. If a
command is sent from the computer, the power supply does not respond
but remains in local mode. When set to REM 1, the power supply will enter
remote mode if a command is sent from the computer. See also
“Remote/Local Operation” on page 23.
REM? Asks for the state of the remote enable. See REM command.
Response: REM <state>
ROM? Asks for the version number of the master and slave EPROMs located on
the interface PCB.
Response: ROM M:<version> S:<version>
RST Resets the supply to present voltage and current settings if the output is
disabled by over voltage or foldback protection. Output values may be
changed via VSET, ISET, and OVSET while the unit is disabled, but those
values will not take effect until RST is applied.