Prosine Installation & Operation Guide 43
Section 4: Inverter/Charger Installation
WARNING Explosion hazard: This equipment contains components which tend to produce arcs
or sparks. To prevent fire or explosion do not install the Prosine inverter/charger in compartments
containing batteries or flammable materials or in locations which require ignition protected
equipment. This includes any space containing gasoline-powered machinery, fuel tanks, or joints,
fittings, or other connection between components of the fuel system.
Safe—Do not install the inverter/charger in the same compartment as vented
(non-sealed) batteries or in any compartment capable of storing flammable
liquids such as gasoline. The Prosine inverter/charger is not ignition protected.
Do not install it an engine or gas tank compartment or any other location where
ignition protected equipment is required. These gases are very corrosive and
prolonged exposure will damage the Prosine inverter/charger.
Close to batteries and the AC distribution box—Avoid excessive cable
lengths, which reduce input and output power due to wire resistance. Use the
recommended wire lengths and sizes.
Protected from battery acid—Never allow battery acid to drip on the Prosine
inverter/charger or its wiring when reading specific gravity or filling the
Output Power De-rating at Elevated Temperature
Ambient temperature (deg. C)
Output power
PS 2.5
PS 3.0
Output power (Watts)