3–22 445-0089-01-01
1. Decide which battery is to be monitored.
When all battery banks are located in the same compartment, select the
battery that requires the most frequent charging (in a boat or an RV, this is
usually the “house” battery). Where a battery is located in a separate
compartment from other batteries, and where temperatures are constantly high
(as in an engine room), it is a good idea to monitor this battery to keep it from
being overcharged as a result of its constant high temperature. In this
situation, the cooler battery bank will be slightly undercharged since it will be
at a lower temperature than the battery being monitored, but this procedure
will prolong the warmer battery’s life.
2. Switch off all devices operating from the battery, or open the battery switch, if
present, to disconnect the battery.
3. If the charger has been operating, wait ten minutes for any explosive battery
gasses to dissipate.
4. Remove the nut that secures the existing negative DC wire to the battery.
5. Move or reorient the existing negative DC wire so there is a flat surface on
which to seat the battery temperature sensor mounting plate. You may need to
bend the ring terminal and/or wires downward to allow the sensor to seat on
the top surface of the upper ring terminal.
6. Mount the sensor directly on top of the negative DC wire terminal, as shown
in Figure 3-9, and tighten the terminal nut firmly.
7. Check that the sensor and all wires are fastened securely.
8. Turn the battery switch on again (if you opened it in step 2).
9. Route the sensor cable to the PROsine and plug it into the
jack. Secure the cable along its length.
In this procedure, you must install the DC wire on the battery terminal first.
Then the sensor is installed on top of the DC wire. This sequence is required to provide the
best connection to the battery and to thereby ensure correct performance of the sensor.