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GT100E MS Combiner Box
The GT100E MS combiner box, when installed with dual GT100Es,
allows the GT100E Master/Slave configuration to maximize energy
production during periods of low irradiance. A system would consist of
two - 100kW inverters, one as the master and the other as a slave, and as a
result, the GT100E system will run at greater than 94% efficiency above
Master/Slave Configuration
The Master/Slave configuration would be implemented on the DC side of
the inverter. The configuration would feed multiple PV arrays into the
Master inverter until the irradiance increases and the power reaches the
high power threshold of the Master inverter. Once the power reaches the
Master inverter's high power threshold, the inverter would shutdown and
disconnect from the additional arrays. The Slave inverter would then be
enabled and both the Master and the Slave inverter would power up and
come on-line. See Figure 1-1 on page 1–4.
The GT100E inverters will have the ability to run in the master/slave
configuration or the ability to run independently (stand-alone mode). The
inverters will also have the ability to be configured as either the master
(configured master) or the slave inverter (configured slave). The inverters
also can be set to switch from operational master to operational slave
Difference between Configured Master/Slave and Operational
Through the front panel or the Xantrex Solar GUI (Graphical User
Interface), the user configures an inverter to be either configured master
or configured slave. Next, the user sets daily role reversal on or off.
If daily role reversal is off, then the configured master is the operational
master (operates as master) and the configured slave is the operational
slave (operates as slave).
If daily role reversal is on, then the configured master is operational
master on odd days (January 1,3,5,...) and operational slave on even days
(January 2,4,6,...).