Error Messages
Current Share Error Codes
124 Operating Manual for Multichannel Functionality (GPIB-M)
Current Share Error Codes
Table C.13Current Share Error Codes
Error Message Description
+1900 Current Share General Error
+1911 Current share master already online
A unit on the CANbus network has already been assigned the current share
master unit. Only one is allowed per network.
+1912 Current share slave lost
One of the connected current share slaves have not responded in time.
+1921 Current share master lost
The assigned master has not responded in time.
+1922 Current share slave connection refused
Connection as a slave on the current share network has been refused due to
one of the following reasons:
4 slaves are already online,
the voltage rating does not match those of the master’s,
the current rating does not match those of the master’s.
+1924 Current share data out of range
The voltage or current readback or setpoint values passed are out of range.
+1925 Current share slave output off by unknown
One of the slave’s output is off because of unknown reasons
+1926 Current share slave output off by command
One of the slave’s output is off because of a command from a remote source
or the front panel.
+1927 Current share slave output off by AC fail
One of the slave’s output is off because of an AC fail condition.
+1928 Current share slave output off by OTP (Over Temperature Protection)
One of the slave’s output is off because of an OTP condition.