Error Messages
Execution Error List
Release 2.1 119
-220 Parameter error
Indicates that a program data element related error occurred.
-221 Setting conflict
Indicates that a legal program data element was parsed but could not be
executed due to the current power supply state.
Factors that may contribute to this error are:
Remote source - To set most values, the remote source must be correct.
Remote state - To set most values, the unit must be in remote mode.
Calibration mode - when in calibration mode, certain settings will cause as error.
Current share mode - When the unit is in current share mode (other than none)
certain settings will cause an error.
-222 Data out of range
Indicates that a legal command could not be executed because the interpreted
value was outside the legal range as defined by the power supply.
-225 Out of memory
The power supply has insufficient memory to perform the requested operation.
-231 Data questionable
Indicates that measurement accuracy is suspect.
-240 Hardware error (occurs during flash update if there is a failure)
Indicates that a legal program command or query could not be executed
because of a hardware problem in the power supply.
-241 Hardware missing
Indicates that a legal program command or query could not be executed
because of missing power supply hardware; e.g. an option not installed.
-282 Illegal program name
The name used to reference an auto sequence program was invalid or there is
no program selected.
-284 Program currently running
Certain operations dealing with auto sequence programs may be illegal while
the program is running. For example, deleting a running program is not
-285 Program syntax error
There is an error in the program definition.
-290 Memory use error
Indicates that a user request has directly or indirectly caused an error related to
memory or <data_handle>s. This is not the same as “bad” memory.
Error Message Description