3–14 TM-XR9B-01XN
REN <1/ON>, <0/
Remote Enable. When set to REN 0, the power supply is in local mode. If a
command is sent from the computer, the power supply does not respond but
remains in local mode. When set to REN 1, the power supply will enter remote
mode if a command is sent from the computer. See also “Remote/Local Operation”
on page 2–20.
REN? Asks for the state of the remote enable. See REN command.
Response: REN <state>
ROM? Asks for the version number of the master and slave EPROMs located on the
interface PCB.
Response: ROM M:<version> S:<version>
RST Resets the supply to present voltage and current settings if the output is disabled by
over voltage or foldback protection. Output values may be changed via VSET,
ISET, and OVSET while the unit is disabled, but those values will not take effect
until RST is applied.
STS? Asks for the supply’s present status register. Status conditions are stored in the
status register. Each bit represents a separate condition. When the condition is true,
the corresponding bit is 1 (true). Bits remain set in the status register as long as the
condition is true. See “Accumulated Status, Status, and Fault Registers” on page 3–
Response: STS <status mask> where status mask is the decimal equivalent of the
total bit weights for the operating conditions as listed in the status register.
TRG Implements programmed voltage and current settings which had been in hold
mode. The supply operates with previous values until the TRG (trigger) command
is sent.
Enables you to select the supply operating conditions that you are most interested
in monitoring for fault occurrence. Mnemonics describing the conditions are
separated from each other by commas, and may be sent in any order.
Specifying one or more mnemonics which describe the conditions (or the decimal
equivalent of their total bit weight) enables the selected conditions to set bits in the
supply’s fault and status registers during operation. A bit is set in the fault register
when the corresponding bit in the status register changes from 0 to 1 and the
corresponding bit in the mask register is 1. See “Accumulated Status, Status, and
Fault Registers” on page 3–17.
Initial value:UNMASK NONE
Table 3-7
Command Reference
TM-XR9B-01XN.book Page 14 Monday, April 19, 2004 9:00 AM