Recharging the XPower Powerpack 600HD Battery
30 975-0213-01-01
Most of the capacity will be recharged in a few hours.
Recharging From a Solar Panel
Small, unregulated 12 V solar panels rated to produce a
maximum of 2.5 A (or 30 W) can be used to charge the
XPower Powerpack through the AC charger input socket.
You will need to purchase a standard 5.5 mm OD × 2.5 mm
ID (0.217" × 0.10") coaxial DC (barrel type centre positive)
connector to mate with the AC charger input socket.
To locate this part, search on the Internet for 5.5 mm OD ×
2.5 mm ID plug for AC adaptor barrel-type coaxial plug for
use with Universal AC Adaptors, or contact a consumer
electronics parts store with this description.
To wire the coaxial DC connector:
1. Connect the solar panel’s red positive (+) wire to the
coaxial plug’s inner or centre contact.
2. Connect the solar panel’s black negative (–) wire to the
plug’s outer contact. See Figure 4-1.
Note: Battery Charge (%) indicator is only accurate when the
XPower Powerpack has been disconnected from all appliances
and all charging sources for 15 minutes.
Figure 4-1
Typical DC Coaxial Connector Connection