Thermostat Setting &Thermostat Setting &
Thermostat Setting &Thermostat Setting &
Thermostat Setting &
Thermostat ThermometerThermostat Thermometer
Thermostat ThermometerThermostat Thermometer
Thermostat Thermometer
Blank Display and/orBlank Display and/or
Blank Display and/orBlank Display and/or
Blank Display and/or
Keypad Not RespondingKeypad Not Responding
Keypad Not RespondingKeypad Not Responding
Keypad Not Responding
Heat Setpoint willHeat Setpoint will
Heat Setpoint willHeat Setpoint will
Heat Setpoint will
not Respond to thenot Respond to the
not Respond to thenot Respond to the
not Respond to the
Temperature Up KeyTemperature Up Key
Temperature Up KeyTemperature Up Key
Temperature Up Key
Cool Setpoint willCool Setpoint will
Cool Setpoint willCool Setpoint will
Cool Setpoint will
not Respond to thenot Respond to the
not Respond to thenot Respond to the
not Respond to the
Temperature Down KeyTemperature Down Key
Temperature Down KeyTemperature Down Key
Temperature Down Key
Forgot KeypadForgot Keypad
Forgot KeypadForgot Keypad
Forgot Keypad
Lockout CodeLockout Code
Lockout CodeLockout Code
Lockout Code
Why won't my 2nd orWhy won't my 2nd or
Why won't my 2nd orWhy won't my 2nd or
Why won't my 2nd or
3rd stage come on?3rd stage come on?
3rd stage come on?3rd stage come on?
3rd stage come on?
Possible CausePossible Cause
Possible CausePossible Cause
Possible Cause
1. Thermostat thermometer setting
requires adjustment.
1. Voltage spike or static discharge.
1. The desired setpoint conflicts with the
setpoint of the COOL mode.
1. The desired setpoint conflicts with the
setpoint of the HEAT mode.
Corrective ActionCorrective Action
Corrective ActionCorrective Action
Corrective Action
The thermometer can be adjusted +/- 3 degrees.
See Temperature Display Adjustment in the
Configuration Menu section.
Use the Reset Operation at top of previous page.
Change system mode to COOL. Raise the Cool
setpoint. Return to HEAT mode and set desired
Change system mode to HEAT. Lower the Heat
setpoint. Return to COOL mode and set desired
CAUTION: This resets the thermostat to factory
default settings of the configuration menu. After
performing this reset, the thermostat will require
configuration again. Be sure that you know the
required configuration settings before resetting.
With the thermostat in any mode, press
at the same time to enter the configuration menu at
the point where the lockout code is to be entered.
and and SYSTEM button at the same
time to reset the lockout code, unlock the keypad
and reset all configuration menu settings.
Your thermostat is designed to determine the
optimum time to activate the second stage. Simply
raising the temperature in heating or lowering it in
cooling will not always force the thermostat to bring
the second stage on quickly. There is a time delay
from 0-30 minutes depending on the performance
of the first stage of the system.