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Quilting
Piecing
The
first
step
n
rnat<inq
a
quilt
is
to
piece
the
qujlt
lop
iu
n
$
peLrnq
‘o.
Ou
de
inc
edge
of
the
pieces
even
wdh
the
edge
of
the
foot
Attet
the
quilt
is
compktely
assembled,
you
are
ready
to
machine
quilt
Free
Motion
Quilting
Cover
the
teed
dogs
with
the
feed
cover
plate
Attach
the
Stippitng!Darnirig
Foot
t
hread
with
sewing
thread
top
antI
hobhn
e
rt
traiant
ctrteh
Ihc
stitch
length
dnesn
matter
Pace
a
hand
on
the
fabric
on
both
sides
of
the
needle
bar
and
move
the
fabric
as
you
sow
Practice
on
a
scrap,
until
you
feel
comfortable
moving
the
fabric
around
You
are
controlling
the
stitch
length,
by
the
way
you
move
the
fooric
You
may
need
to
adjust
the
tension
Usuahy,
you
need
iha
make
it
tighter,
by
putting
it
at
a
higher
numhc
hat
will
depend
on
the
fabric,
batting
and
threads
thai
you
are
ustng
traditional
quilting
method
is
called
stippling.
You
move
the
fabric
randomly,
in
curvy
motion,
creating
the
pattern
shown.
Technically,
you
dontwant
to
cross
over
a
tue
Craz
Patch
Quilting
Crazy
Patcn
quilting
is
done
by
sewing
together
irregular
shapes,
anti
tnn
stitching
over
the
seams
with
decorative
stitches
Piece
the
shapes.
then
attach
the
All
Purpose
Foot.
Thread
with
decorative
tii:CarJ
on
top
and
sewing
thread
n
the
bobbin
Place
tear
away
stabilizer
under
the
quilt
top,
and
stitch
your
favorite
decorative
Iitches
aver
lhi
searns