(When driving with the inverter in operation, make certain that
neither the inverter nor the power cords will impede safe
operation of your vehicle. Keep the unit and all cords clear of
the steering wheel, gas, brake and clutch pedals and gear
s h i f t ) .
To maintain your inverter in proper working condition, note the
following important safety pre c a u t i o n s :
• MOISTURE. Keep the inverter dry. Do not expose it to
m o i s t u re. Do not operate the inverter if you, the invert e r,
the device being operated or any other surfaces that
may come in contact with any power sources are wet.
Water and many other liquids can conduct electricity
which may lead to serious injury or death.
• HEAT. For peak efficiency, the ambient air temperature
should be between 50° and 80° F. Avoid placing the
i n v e rter on or near heating vents, radiators or other
s o u rces of heat. Do not place the inverter in dire c t
s u n l i g h t.
• V E N T I L ATION. In order to disperse the heat generated
while the inverter is in operation, keep it well ventilated.
While in use, maintain several inches of clearance
around the top and sides of the inverter.
• FUMES & GASES. Avoid using the inverter near
flammable materials.Do not place the inverter in areas
such as battery compartments. Where fumes or gases
may accumulate.