I m p o rtant Information About Your New W h i s t l e r
This manual will provide you with directions for the safe
and efficient operation of your Whistle Power Inverter.
Important Note: Each of the following operating
procedures and safety features must be carefully reviewed
and thoroughly understood prior to using the inverter.
Failure to do so may result in damage to the inverter or
equipment or serious personal injury.
Your Whistler inverter is designed to operate from a 12 volt
power source only. Never attempt to connect your
Whistler inverter to any other power source, including any
AC power source.
• 110 volts can be lethal. Improper use of your
W h i s t l e r i n v e rter may result in pro p e rty
damage, personal injury or loss of life.
• Check with the appliance manufacturer for com-
patibility with modified sine wave inverters. Some
appliances may not work well, not at all or be dam-
This is especially true for medical equipment.
For more information on compatibility issues, please visit
our inverter FAQ page at w w w. w h i s t l e rg ro u p . c o m / f a q -
Getting Start e d
Power equipment and appliances which operate with motors
or tubes re q u i re an initial surge of power to get them up and
running. This power surge is re f e rred to as the "start i n g
load" or "peak load." (By comparison, electrical devices
such as standard light bulbs do not re q u i r e a large start i n g
load). Once the equipment or appliance has been powere d
up, it settles down to a slower pace and re q u i res far less elec-
trical power to operate. This lower power re q u i rement is
re f e r red to as the "continuous load."
In order to ensure that the capacity of your Whistler i n v e rt e r
is sufficient to meet the re q u i r ed start up load, you must first
d e t e r mine the power consumption of the equipment or
appliance you plan to operate.
Power consumption is rated either in wattage or in ampere s ,
and information re g a rding the re q u i red "watts" or "amps"
generally is stamped or printed on most appliances and
equipment. If this information is not indicated on the appli-
ance or equipment, check the owner’s manual. Contact the
appliance or equipment manufacturer to determine if
the device you are using (TV’s, battery re-charger, com-
puter, etc.) is compatible with a modified sine wave.
If the power consumption is rated in amps, multiply the
number of amps by 110 (AC voltage) to determine the com-
parable wattage rating. As a general rule, you can deter-
mine the re q u i red start up load by multiplying the wattage
rating by 10.
For further information on the fundamental operating prin-
ciples of Whistler inverters and related technical data, see
"Technical Operating Principles"
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