Using the Electronic Automatic MEALTIMER’ Clock
The electronic MEALTIMER’ Clock is designed to turn the oven on and off at ttmes
you set, even If you are not around.
Automatic baklng Is Ideal for foods which do not recqulre a preheated oven such
as meats and casseroles. Do not use the automatic cycle for cakes, cookies,
etc...undenooklng will result.
To start baking now and shut off outomattcolly:
PosiHon me oven rack(s) properly,
and place the food in the oven.
2. Make sure the clock Is set to the
rtght ttme 01 day.
3. Set Oven Selector on TIMED BAKE.
Set me Oven Temperature Control
on the baking temperature you
5. Set the clock for the length of
baklng ttme you want: Push in
and hold the Bake Hours Bufton
and turn the Set Knob until the
!ength of baking time you want
shows In the display This exom-
pie shows 2 hours, 15 mlnutes.
Bake Hours can be set for up to
?I hours, 59 minutes.
Release the Bake Hours Button.
The Bake Hours Slgnal Llght will
stay on and the Stop Time Signal
Llght will flash. The Oven Slgnal
Llght ar,J Auto Oven Llght wiil
come on. The dlsplay will count
down In mlnutes.