fifteen (15) days after Wherify issues the return authorization number. This
limited warranty shall not apply to any services and shall not apply to any
defects in appearance, cosmetic, or decorative items, or any non-operative parts.
RETURN AUTHORIZATION: In Canada and the US to request a Return Author-
ization Number and return instructions please contact:
Customer Care Returns Dept.
Phone: 1-877-943-7439
E-mail: customerservice@wherify.com
For warranty return information in countries other than Canada and the US
please contact your local dealer or Network Service Provider.
In Canada and the US the return process is as follows:
• Call Wherify’s Returns Dept. and provide the phone number or account
number associated with the defective unit.
• Provide a description of the problem with the defective unit and reason
for requesting a replacement.
• Verify your address and contact information.
• Provide proof of purchase indicating name of store where unit was purchased,
date of purchase, and purchase amount.
• Our Customer Care Agent will issue you a Return Authorization Number.
• Wherify will send you a replacement unit shipping pre-paid on an “Advanced
Exchange” basis.
• In the box will be a pre-addressed return label.
• Place the defective unit in the box that your replacement unit came in,
along with a copy of the original itemized purchase receipt, and put the
pre-addressed return label on the box.
• It is your responsibility to pre-pay return shipping for the defective unit. The
Customer shall bear the risk of loss and damage to the Product prior to
Wherify taking possession of the returned unit at Wherify’s RETURN
ADDRESS. If you do not return the defective unit within 15 days of receipt of
the replacement unit, Wherify will assess your account with a fee equal to
the retail value of the unit, on your next monthly statement.