
The Level, Name and Password fields are specific to the NexSentry and applies only to
operators logging in directly via the ACU's terminal port. The fields are not part of the SE 6000
control parameters.
Tamper. Optional. Enter the tamper report number if a report has been created (see
applicable ACU manual). The report states the system actions that will be taken if the ACU
enclosure housing is opened. Default is 0.
Power Fail. Optional. Enter the power fail report number if a report has been created (see
applicable ACU manual). The report states the actions that will be taken by the ACU should
a power failure occur. Default is 0.
Override. Optional. Enter the operator override report number if a report has been created
(see applicable ACU manual). The report states the actions that will be taken by the ACU if,
for example, a manual unlock or a shunt occurs. Default is 0.
ABA Site Group. Optional. The ABA site code group ID number.
Auto Forgive. Optional. Up to four time codes can be entered that execute the forgive
command at the ACU. Default is 0 (feature disabled if all auto-forgive time codes are 0).
808 Modem Definition. Not used.
Number of Retry Times. Not used.
XON/XOFF. Not used.
Building Closed Time Codes. Optional. Provides up to four time intervals during which the
building should be closed. Default is 0.
Building Open Reminder. Optional. If the building should be closed (indicated by the time
codes entered in the previous field), a reminder message is logged and repeated the number
of minutes specified (0 to 240). Default is 0.