
Format: /J [Enter]
Response: Displays Site I.D. Message
/N Set Network Port Parameters
Displays a menu which is used to define communication parameters for the Network Port. Also
allows access to the IP Security function, which is used to restrict network access by
unauthorized IP addresses. For more information on selecting network parameters, please refer
to Section 5.5.4.
Availability: Supervisor Only
Format: /N [Enter]
Response: Displays Network Parameters Menu
/P Set RS232 Port Parameters
Displays a menu which allows the user to select options and parameters for the selected port.
Section 5.5.3 describes the procedure for defining port parameters.
Availability: Supervisor Only
Format: /P [x] [Enter]
Where x is the number or name of the port to be configured. If the port number or name is
not specified, the CMS will display the configuration menu for your resident port.
Response: The Port Parameters Menu is displayed.
/S Display Port Status
Displays the Port Status Screen, which lists current conditions and parameters for all ports.
Normally, the Port Status Screen will not display Port Passwords; the Password column will read
either "defined" or "undefined", depending upon whether or not the password for each port has
been specified. When the Supervisor Mode is active, the /SP command offers the option to either
display or suppress Port Passwords. For more information on the Port Status Screen, please refer
to Section 6.1.
Availability: Supervisor / User
Format: /S[P] [Enter]
When the "P" option is included (e.g. /SP), the Port Status Screen will lists the password for
each port, if defined. (Supervisor Mode Only).
Response: Displays Port Status Screen