
Center | Quad | Sub
This mode uses 3 separate sidechains:
The first sidechain is dedicated to the Center (dialog) channel.
The second chain links Left, Right, Left Surround, and Right Surround
The third sidechain is dedicated to the LFE channel.
This mode offers independent dynamic control over dialog, overall surround image, and
LFE channel.
Center | Front LR | Rear (LFE Is Bypassed)
This mode uses 3 separate sidechains:
The first sidechain is dedicated to the Center channel.
The second sidechain links the Front Left & Right channels.
The third sidechain links the Rear Left & Right channels.
The LFE channel is left unprocessed.
This mode offers the most control over the surround image, and its functionality is similar
to that of three independent dynamics processors.
MV360˚ User Manual 16