L3-LL User Manual
Default 0dB
Gain controls the overall gain of each frequency band. To boost the gain of a given range without over-
limiting it, raise both Priority and Gain.
Gain/Priority Link
- Range -12dB to +1
button allows simultaneous control of Gain and Priority, retaining a constant offset between
riority adjusts the relative limiting, or relative attenuation distribution, across the bands. Raising
riority applies less attenuation to the respective bands (in relation to other bands) while maintaining
all limiting; lowering Priority results in more attenuation applied to the respective bands.
ember that Priority settings are RELATIVE between bands. This means that if all
o the same non-zero priority, it has the same effect as setting all priorities to 0.
- Range -12dB to +12dB
- Default 0dB
the same over
It’s important to rem
bands are set t
Priority Indicators
- Range -12dB to +12dB
- Default 0dB
displays the applied priority for the frequency band.
release time can
Per Band Release
- Range 0.1 to 2500.
The per band Release sets the reference Release time for each band. This reference
be further adjusted by the Master Release Behavior type.
Master Release Link
button allows relative release adjustment for all bands.