
The following tables are intended as a guide to determining the flow rates for the R13
series RO systems. All flows are in gallons per hour (GPH).
Nominal flows for systems operating at 50% recovery.
R12-0250 R12-0600 R12-1200
Product GPH 10.4 25 50
Reject GPH 10.4 25 50
Temperature Correction Factors
Deg C Deg F Correction Factor
25 77 1.00
24 75.2 0.97
23 73.4 0.94
22 71.6 0.92
21 69.8 0.89
20 68 0.86
19 66.2 0.84
18 64.4 0.81
17 62.6 0.79
16 60.8 0.77
15 59 0.74
14 57.2 0.72
13 55.4 0.70
12 53.6 0.68
11 51.8 0.66
10 50 0.64
9 48.2 0.62
8 46.4 0.61
7 44.6 0.59
6 42.8 0.57
5 41 0.55
Multiply the nominal product flow at 25° C by the temperature correction factor to determine the
flow at various other temperatures.