Mobile User VPN
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Suite 500
Seattle, WA 98104
U.S. and Canada +877.232.3531
All Other Countries +1.206.521.3575
U.S. and Canada +1.800.734.9905
All Other Countries +1.206.613.0895
WatchGuard is a leading provider of network security solutions for small- to mid-
sized enterprises worldwide, delivering integrated products and services that are
robust as well as easy to buy, deploy and manage. The company’s Firebox X family of
expandable integrated security appliances is designed to be fully upgradeable as an
organization grows and to deliver the industry’s best combination of security,
performance, intuitive interface and value. WatchGuard Intelligent Layered Security
architecture protects against emerging threats effectively and efficiently and provides
the flexibility to integrate additional security functionality and services offered
through WatchGuard. Every WatchGuard product comes with an initial LiveSecurity
Service subscription to help customers stay on top of the security landscape with
vulnerability alerts, software updates, expert security instruction and superior
customer care. For more information, please call (206) 613-6600 or visit
Notice to Users
Information in this guide is subject to change without notice. Companies, names, and data used in examples herein are
fictitious unless otherwise noted. No part of this guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of WatchGuard Technologies, Inc.
Copyright, Trademark, and Patent Information
Copyright© 1998 - 2007 WatchGuard Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
All trademarks or trade names mentioned herein, if any, are the property of their respective owners.
Client Software: Mobile VPN with IPSec v10.0
Management Software: WSM 9.1 and Edge v 8.6.x
Appliance Software: Fireware 9.1 and Edge v8.6.x
Complete copyright, trademark, patent, and licensing
information can be found in the WatchGuard System
Manager User Guide. You can find it online at: