K Series Gas Kettles (Stationary & Tilting)
Kettle does not heat, power light is not
1. Kettle unplugged; main circuit breaker off; or incoming supply line
fuse F1 open.
2. Supply voltage incorrect.
3. Ground fault receptacle (GFCI) is tripped.
4. Hood system with a power interrupt is not ON.
5. Power switch off or malfunction.
6. Interconnecting wiring malfunction.
Kettle heats up slow or will not boil
1. No vacuum in reservoir jacket when kettle is cold.
2. Pressure relief valve is not seated properly (leaking) or malfunction.
3. Fill port is not fully closed and leaking.
4. Jacket overfilled with fluid.
5. Gas supply line to kettle is undersized for the gas volume required.
NOTE: Increase gas line size to 125% of kettle rated BTU input.
6. Low gas supply pressure.
7. Temperature sensor malfunction; or potentiometer malfunction; or
temperature controller missing jumper on J1 or malfunction.
NOTE: Controller LED is ON when output is closed.
8. Blower does not increase to high speed.
A. Delay on make timer (1TMR) malfunction.
B. Relay K1 malfunction (N.O. contacts remain open with coil
energized - Provides high speed signal to blower speed control).
C. Blower speed control - switches not set properly or control
malfunction (no output voltage to blower: J6-1 (24VDC); J6-2
(COM); J6-4 (PWM - pulse width modulation speed signal, not
measurable with VOM).
D. Blower malfunction.
9. Gas valve not adjusted properly or malfunction.
Low water light is lit or Low water in sight
1. Tilting models only - Kettle tilted (not level).
2. Fluid level in kettle jacket is low.
3. Pressure relief valve is not seated properly (leaking) or malfunction.
4. Fill port is not fully closed and leaking.
5. Kettle jacket was refilled incorrectly with deionized or reverse
osmosis (RO) water. Use distilled water only.
NOTE: Add approximately 1/8 teaspoon of salt to jacket water.
Lightly rinse fill port and close it.
K Series Gas Kettles 2/3 Jacketed Stationary and Tilting - TROUBLESHOOTING
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