15 -
Threadsshowing(X) HeadWeight(lb)
Flush/0 +11
1‐2 7‐9
3‐4 4‐7
5 <2
Threadsshowing(X) HeadWeight(lb)
Flush/0‐2 +11
3‐4 8‐9
5 5‐6
6 3‐4
The electric griddle top should
be securely attached to the mounting
brackets and raised in the locked 90°
position before proceeding. Attempting
to install tension springs in lowered
position may cause damage.
18. Raise the electric griddle top to the locked
90° position. Slide the springs onto the
tension rods and then the spring bracket.
The fin should be positioned at rear
bottom and the radius edge bracket facing
outwards. The electric cord will rest in this
radius when assembled. See Fig. 16.
Spring Bracket
19.Thread nuts onto end of tension rods.
Tighten both nuts evenly to the desired
head weight pressure suitable for your
menu. Tightening the nuts further
(compressing springs), will decrease the
pressure applied to the cooking surface
in the down position. See Fig. 17.
Fig. 16
Fig. 17