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Roast Button Light (If On and not timing product, indicates the roast mode is selected).
• The displayed temperature settings will be for the roast temperature except when the light in the
Thermometer Button is lit.
• Rotating the Thermostat Knob will change the roast set temperature.
• Cook time can be adjusted using the Timer Knob.
• The time displayed is the initial set cook time.
• It is possible to select the Hold mode using the Hold Button.
Roast Button Light (If On and product is being timed, indicates the roast mode is selected).
• The displayed temperature settings will be for the roast temperature except when the
Thermometer Button is lit.
• Rotating the Temperature Knob will change the roast set temperature.
• It is not possible to select the Hold mode using the Hold Button.
• The time displayed is the time counted down from the initial cook time setting.
Roast Button
1. Selects the Roast mode, indicated by the Roast Button Light described above.
2. Has no effect if timing in the Hold mode.
Thermometer Button — When pressed, displays the actual oven temperature for about 8 seconds,
then returns to the set temperature.
Heat Light — When lit, indicates that power is being supplied to the heating elements.
Ready Light —
Is lit when the actual temperature is within 5°F
of the set temperature
for the current
mode, plus or minus.
Time Display (While not timing product) — Displays the set cook time if the light in the Roast Button
is lit.
Time Display (While product is being timed).
1. Displays the counted down cook time if the Roast Button light is lit and in the Roast mode.
2. Displays the counted up hold time if the Hold Button is lit in the Hold mode. Count-up of hold time
does not begin until cavity temperature reaches the hold temperature.
Time Display Colon
1. Is flashing if product is timing.
2. Is not flashing if product is not being timed.
Time Button — Press to set cooking cycle time.
Time Button Light — Is lit when the Time Button is pressed.
Timer Knob — Sets the cook time when not already timing and the Cook Time indicator is lit.