F25213 (May 2006) Page 36 of 52
Water Level Control (WLC) Board ......... Controls water level by monitoring conditions of the three water
level probes H, L and LLCO.
Buzzer ................................ Creates audible signal when timed cook cycle is complete.
Contactor, Limiting ..................... Connects one side of heating elements to incoming power.
Energized whenever WLC (LLCO) coil is energized.
Contactor, Regulating ................... Connects one side of heating elements to power. On constantly
during cooking cycle.
Drain Valve, Motorized (Ball type).......... (Professional models only) Motorized control for opening and
closing drain valve.
Element, Heating ....................... Located in steam generator tank. Heats water to produce steam.
Element, Super-heater ................... (Professional models only) Located in piping from steam
generator tank to cooking chamber. Provides additional energy
to raise steam temperature.
Fuse, (1FU) ............................ Slow blow 4A fuse. Located on primary side of main
transformer. Protects control circuitry from over-currents.
Fuse, (2FU) ............................ Slow blow 4A fuse. Located on primary side of main
transformer. Protects control circuitry from over-currents.
Lamp (3LT), Power ..................... Amber (AM) colored lamp. On when power switch is on.
Lamp (2LT), Cook ...................... Red (RD) colored lamp (Professional models only). On when
hold thermostat is satisfied and door is closed and timer is set.
Lamp (1LT), Ready ..................... Green (GN) colored lamp (Professional models only). On when
cycling thermostat is satisfied. Latches on when hold thermostat
is satisfied.
Probe (H) ............................. High water level probe connected to internal latch relay circuit.
Water must reach this level before internal latch relay is
Probe (L) .............................. Low water level probe connected to internal latch relay circuit.
Probe (LLCO) .......................... Low Level Cut-Off (LLCO) probe. Controls power to heating and
timer circuitry. Controls fast fill solenoid (Professional models
Relay (K1) ............................. Controlled by hold thermostat. Enables timer circuit.
Relay (K2), LLCO ....................... Low Level Cut-Off (LLCO) external relay. Only energized during
drain. Controls Flush, Fast Fill and Vacuum Relief solenoids.
Relay (K3), Drain Relay .................. Controlled by Time Delay Relay. Only energized during drain
cycle. Controls WLC board and LLCO relay K2 during drain.
Disables heating and timer circuitry.
Relay (K4) ............................. (Professional models only) Latches Ready light on. Allows
power to superheater.
Relay, Time Delay ...................... Controlled by the power switch. Output becomes active for 90
seconds when power switch is turned to off. Only used during
drain cycle.
Solenoid (1SOL), Cooling ................ Controlled by the condensate thermostat. Mixes cold water with
hot condensate water from cooking chamber to reduce water
temperature at drain.
Solenoid (2SOL), Flush .................. On only during drain cycle. Mixes cold water with tank water
before entering drain box. Keeps drain hose clear of debris.
Solenoid (3SOL), Fast Fill ................ Initial tank fill for Professional machines. Used during last stage
of drain cycle to flush drain opening free of debris.