Please read the below chart to make sure you correctly connect external speakers
to the AD60VTX. Keep in mind that the speaker jacks are wired in Series, which
means that the total impedance of the speakers equals the sum of the impedance
of the internal (8 Ohms) plus the external speaker (4 or 8 Ohms). As an example,
the AD60VTX contains an internal 8 Ohm speaker; when you hook up an additional
8 Ohm speaker, you’ll set the impedance select switch on the back of the amp to
16 Ohms. 8 + 8 =16. Simple right? Of course it is.
The following chart shows you what speakers you CAN hook up to the AD60VTX.
Please note that these are the
combinations you can use. Hooking up anything
other than what’s recommended below can and will cause damage to your amplifier
and will not be covered under warranty.
If you use: Set Output Impedance of the AD60VTX to:
One 4 Ohm cabinet (AD212 or AD412) 16 Ohms
One 8 Ohm cabinet 16 Ohms
One 16 Ohm cabinet DO NOT DO THIS
AD212 or AD412
One 8 Ohm cabinet