Car care
pg. 7:1 Car care
Car care includes not only maintaining the appearance of the car, but also protecting the car exterior
from the effects of air pollution, rain and mud.
The rustproofing compound under the car should be checked regularly and, if necessary, damaged areas
should be repaired.
The paintwork should also be touched up immediately, if damaged, to prevent rust formation.
Cleaning the upholstery
Paintwork damage
Washing the car
pg. 7:2 Cleaning the upholstery
Cleaning the upholstery
The fabric can be cleaned with soapy water or a detergent. For more difficult spots caused by oil, ice
cream, shoe polish, grease, etc., use a clothing/clothing fabric stain remover.
The plastic in the upholstery can be washed with soapy water or a mild detergent.
Leather upholstery can be cleaned with a soft cloth and mild soap solution.
For more difficult spots, consult your Volvo dealer.
On no account must gasoline, naphtha or similar cleaning agents be used on the plastic or the leather
since these can cause damage.
Cleaning the seat belts
Clean only with lukewarm water and mild soap solution.
Cleaning floor mats
The floor mats should be vacuumed or brushed clean regularly, especially during the winter when they
should be taken out for drying. Spots on textile mats can be removed with a mild detergent.
Bear in mind
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