
03 Climate control
Electronic climate control, ECC (option)
3. Recirculation
Recirculation can be used
to shut out bad air, exhaust
fumes, etc. from the pas-
senger compartment. The
air in the passenger com-
partment is recirculated, i.e.
no outside air is taken into
the car when this function is activated. If the
air in the car recirculates for too long, there is
a risk of misting on the insides of the win-
The timer function reduces the risk of icing,
misting and bad air if recirculation is select-
ed. See page 66, for how to activate/deacti-
vate the function.
3. Air quality system (option)
(same button as recircula-
The air quality system con-
sists of a multi-filter and a
sensor. The filter separates
gases and particles to re-
duce the levels of odours and pollution in the
passenger compartment. When the sensor
detects polluted outside air, the air intakes
are closed and the air in the passenger com-
partment is recirculated. A green light (A) illu-
minates in the button when the air quality
sensor is active.
Activating the air quality sensor:
Press AUTO (1) to activate the air quality
sensor (normal setting).
Switch between three functions by press-
ing repeatedly the recirculation button.
Air quality sensor engaged – the light (A)
No recirculation engaged, provided it is
not required for cooling in hot weather –
light not illuminated.
Recirculation engaged – the light (M) illu-
Keep the following in mind:
As a rule, the air quality sensor should
always be engaged.
Recirculation is limited in cold weather to
avoid misting.
If the insides of the windows start misting
up, disengage the air quality sensor.
The defroster function for the front, side
and rear windows can also be used to
demist the windows.
4. Defroster
Quickly removes misting
and ice from the wind-
screen and side windows.
Air flows to the windows at
high fan speed. The light in
the defroster button lights
when the function is active.
The following also takes place when the de-
froster function is activated in order to pro-
vide maximum dehumidification in the pas-
senger compartment:
the air conditioning (A/C) is automatically
switched on (can be switched off with the
A/C button (5)
recirculation is automatically disengaged.
When the defroster is switched off the cli-
mate control returns to the previous settings.
5. Air distribution
The airflow can be distribut-
ed to the windows, dash-
board vents or floor by
pressing the air distribution
A symbol on the display
above the climate control panel and an
When Defroster (4) is selected, recirculation
is always deactivated.