
1987 Volvo 240
First 600 miles (1,000 km)
1st gear 20 mph (30 km/h)
2nd gear 30 mph (50 km/h)
3rd gear 50 mph (80 km/h)
4th gear 70 mph (110 km/h)
5th gear 80 mph (130 km/h)
600-1,200 miles (1,000-2,000 km)
1st gear 25 mph(40 km/h)
2nd gear 40 mph (65 km/h)
3rd gear 60 mph (100 km/h)
4th gear 80 mph (130 km/h)
5th gear 90 mph (150 km/h)
Avoid driving at low speed in high gear.
* These are the maximum speeds recommended by the factory. Note that legislation in different
countries and states can stipulate other max. speeds than those given here.
Automatic transmission
Refrain from using "kick-down" during the first 1,200 miles (2,000 km) when driving a car equipped
with an automatic transmission.
Breaking in parking brakes
To obtain best parking brake performance, the brake linings should be broken in.
Stop 5-7 times from 30 mph (50 km/h), transmission in neutral, applying the parking brake with the
release button pressed in during the stop. The force must not lock the rear wheels. If this happens,
release the brake enough to let the wheels rotate. Drive a mile between each stop to cool the brakes.
Check for proper parking brake operation.
Note: The brake lights are not illuminated when applying the parking brake. To warn traffic from behind
it is therefore advisable to depress the brake pedal slightly to illuminate the brake lights.
Service Inspection
To ensure proper operation the car should be taken to a Volvo dealer between the first 600-1,200 miles
(1,000-2,000 km) for a service inspection. The oil in the engine, manual transmission and rear axle will
then be changed. This is very important since the oil rapidly collects impurities during the break-in
file:///K|/ownersdocs/1987/1987_240/87240_02.htm (2 of 14)12/30/2006 7:53:27 AM