06 Starting and driving
BLIS – Blind Spot Information System (option)
Rearview mirror with BLIS system.
1. BLIS camera
2. Indicator lamp
3. BLIS symbol
BLIS is an information system that under cer-
tain conditions can help to draw the driver’s
attention to vehicles moving in the same
direction in the so-called "blind spot".
The system is designed to work most effec-
tively when driving in dense traffic on multi-
lane highways.
BLIS is based on digital camera technology.
The cameras (1) are located under the door
When a camera has detected a vehicle inside
the blind spot zone the indicator lamp (2) illu-
minates with a constant glow.
BLIS advises the driver with a message if a
fault arises in the system. If for example the
system’s cameras are obscured then the
BLIS indicator lamp flashes and the instru-
ment panel’s display shows a message. In
such cases, check and clean the lenses. If
necessary, the system can be switched off
temporarily by pressing the BLIS button, see
page 136.
Blind spots
A = approx. 3.0 m, B = approx. 9.5 m
When BLIS operates
The system operates when the car is driven
at a speed above 10 km/h.
The system is designed to react if you over-
take another vehicle at a speed of up to
10 km/h faster than the other vehicle.
The system is designed to react if you are
overtaken by a vehicle travelling up
to 70 km/h faster than your vehicle.
The system is a supplement to, not a
replacement for, a safe driving style and use
of the rearview mirrors. It can never replace
the driver’s attention and responsibility. The
responsibility for changing lanes safely
always rests with the driver.
The light illuminates on the side of the car
where the system has detected the vehicle.
If the car is overtaken on both sides at the
same time then both lights illuminate.