04 Comfort and driving pleasure
Adaptive cruise control*
The radar sensor has a limited field of vision.
In some situations it may detect a vehicle
other than the one expected or not detect
any vehicle at all.
Radar sensor field of vision (grey)
Sometimes the radar sensor cannot de-
tect vehicles at close quarters, for exam-
ple a vehicle that drives in between your
car and vehicles in front.
Small vehicles, such as motorcycles, or
vehicles not driving in the centre of the
lane can remain undetected.
In bends the radar sensor may detect the
wrong vehicle or lose a detected vehicle
from view.
Display and controls
Activate and resume settings, increase
Standby mode, on/off
Set distance
Activating and setting the speed
Driver operation
Cruise control is deactivated when the
brakes are used, the gear selector is moved
to neutral position, or if the accelerator pedal
is depressed for a longer period. Cruise con-
trol then changes over to standby mode and
the driver has full control of the car. If the ac-
celerator pedal is kept depressed for a short-
er period, for example during overtaking,
cruise control is temporarily disengaged and
then re-engaged when the accelerator pedal
is released.
Activating and setting the speed
To enable cruise control activation it must
first be engaged in standby mode with .
The set time interval is briefly shown in the
display. Cruise control is activated with or
, after which the current speed is stored
and used as the set speed. The set speed is
shown in the display. In active mode the
speed is adjusted with long or short presses
on , or . The button has the same
function as +, but results in a lower increase
in speed.
Set time interval
The set time interval to vehicles in front is in-
creased with and decreased with .
0 1/2 1
If cruise control does not seem to react to
activation the reason may be that the time
interval to the closest vehicle prevents an
increase in speed.
In some situations cruise control cannot be
activated. In which case
Cruise Unavaila-
is shown in the display, see page 126.