
elliptical trainers
X6600HRC& DA
Customized workouts; with
no default Time.
Improves your strength,
speed, and endurance by raising and lowering
the resistance Level throughout your workout to
involve both your heart and muscles; Time
defaults to 24 minutes.
Maintains weight by
gradually raising and lowering the resistance
Level to gradually raise and lower your Heart
Rate; Time defaults to 32 minutes.
Promotes weight loss by
raising and lowering the resistance Level, but still
keeps you in your fat-burning zone; Time
defaults to 48 minutes.
Improves performance by
raising resistance Level to a high peak then
lowering again; Time defaults to 48 minutes.
Saves time by making the
most of your limited workout time; motivates and
encourages you to achieve your fitness goals.
Benefits weight loss by maintaining an optimum
exercise level to burn fat; Time defaults to 24
NOTE: In addition to the specific benefits listed, all the Programs can
provide an aerobic and cardiovascular benefit.