© 2009 Directed Electronics. All rights reserved.
Additional information can be found
at: www.viper.com/SmartStart
Home Screen Alerts Screen Cars Screen Settings Screen
Menu Bar and Screens
Menu Bar Description
Home This screen is the default screen for direct access to all your remote commands. Tap
any command on the Home screen to perform it.
Alerts This screen provides notifi cations from the system. These notifi cations are indicated
by a red circle above the Alerts icon which also indicates the number of uncleared
notifi cations received. These notifi cations can be in the form of alarms, communication
issues or updates to your service plan. The available Alerts may vary depending on
the type of system installed in your vehicle.
Cars This screen allows you to add and control multiple vehicles if you have a security/
remote start system installed in more than one vehicle.
Settings From this screen you can access your account information and customize your prefer-
Note: Your Viper SmartStart module automatically checks for updates once every 24 hours. During up-
dates, system operation is disrupted for approximately one minute.