
© 2005 directed electronics, inc.
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Your security system incorporates two Ultrasonic sensors, which
are most commonly mounted at the top of the A-pillars facing
the rear of the vehicle. These sensors detect movement inside the
vehicle by sensing air disturbance. They should trigger the alarm
if a thief gained access to the interior of your vehicle. Please make
sure all windows are closed on the vehicle or the ultrasonic
sensors could false alarm due to air movement.
The sensor bar indicator on the LCD of the
remote displays the current sensor sensitivity setting. Increased
sensitivity is indicated if the bar is filled to the right.
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Here we have listed only some of the many expansion options
available. Please contact your dealer for a complete explanation
of all the options available to you.
Glass Tamper Sensor:
Metal on glass, glass cracking, and
breaking glass each produce distinctive acoustic signatures. The
506T glass tamper sensor uses a microphone to pick up sounds,
and then analyzes them with proprietary acoustic software to
determine if the glass has been struck.
Return your vehicle to your dealer for ultrasonic sen-
sor sensitivity adjustment.