2. Press .
. Enter avalue for X1.
4. Press .
In 1-VAR stat mode. enter the frequency of occurrence
(FRQ) of the data point. FRQ default=1, If FRQ=0, the
data point is ignored.
In 2-VAR stat mode, enter the value for Y1 and press
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 unitl all data points are entered.
You must press or to save the last data point or
FRQ value entered. If you add or delete data points, the
unit automatically reorders the list.
6. When all points and frequencies are entered:
Press to display the menu of variables (see table
for definitions) and their current values, or
Press to return to the blank STAT screen. You
can do calculations with data variables (x, y, etc.).
Select a variable from the menu and then press
to evaluate the calculation.
7. When finished:
Press and select CLRDATAto clear all data
points without exiting STATmode, or
Press to clear all data points, variable
and FRQ values, andto exit STATmode (STATindicator
turns off).
Variables Definition
Number of or ( , ) data points.x x y
Mean of all or values.x y
Sample standard deviation of or .x y
Population standard deviation of or .x y
Sum of all or values.x y
Sum of all or values.x y
2 2
Sum of ( ) for all pairs.x*y xy
Linear regression slope.
Linear regression -intercept.y
x or y
Sx or Sy
x or y
x or y
x or y