Analog Coverage
An area where analog service is available. Analog phones usually indicate signal
strength on an indicator in the phone's display when receiving an analog signal.
The software that allows you to view the Internet; contains navigator commands
such as forward and back; such as Netscape, Microsoft Explorer. A Web browser
in your computer requests HTML files from Web servers; takes you to the
Internet sites you wish to visit, by linking your computer's IP address to a site's IP
COM PORT (communications port)
A connector for a communications interface, usually, a serial port.
Information kept in databases, on an intranet, on the Internet, etc.
Data-Capable Digital Phone
A digital phone capable of processing data calls. Data calls may include
accessing the Internet by launching the browser within the phone or using the
phone as a wireless modem to access the Internet, or sending and receiving
email and faxes while the phone is connected to the serial port of a PC or PDA.
Digital Coverage
An area where digital service is available. Digital capable phones indicate a "D"
on the phone's display when the phone is receiving a digital signal.
Software that controls a device.
Inactivity Time-Out
A stoppage in a connection, which usually occurs after a period of time elapses,
without activity. Time-out settings are usually determined by the network.
A cooperatively run, globally distributed collection of computer networks that
exchange information via a common set of rules for exchanging data (Transfer
Control Protocol/Internet Protocol or TCP/IP). Intranet An intranet is a web site
created by a business, which posts its own company information in a secure part
of the Internet that only employees or other authorized users can reach. Intranets
are generally protected by firewalls.
PC5750 User’s Manual