
3G: Third Generation. 3G refers to the third
generation of mobile telephony technology.
4G: Fourth Generation. 4G refers to the third
generation of mobile telephony technology.
802.11(b, g, n): A set of WLAN communication
standards in the 2.4, 3.6 and 5 GHz frequency
Broadband : High-ca paci ty high-s peed ,
transmission channel with a wider bandwidth than
conventional modem lines. Broadband channels
can carry video, voice, and data simultaneously.
DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.
Software found in servers and routers that
automatically assigns temporary IP addresses to
clients logging into an IP network.
DHCP Server: A server or service with a server
that assigns IP addresses.
Firewall: A hardware or software boundary that
protects a network or single computer from
unwanted outside traffic.
Firmware: A computer program embedded in
an electronic device. Firmware usually contains
operating code for the device.