11Home screen & apps
Note: Apps you download from the Google Play™ Store
app might show other icons in the status bar to alert you
to specific events.
Download apps
Google Play™
Google Play™ is a new entertainment hub full of music,
movies, books, magazines, apps, and games. You can
instantly access your content from all your Android
Find it: Tap Apps >
Play Store
• Find: To search, tap in the top right.
•Review: To show details and reviews for an app you
found, just tap it.
Tip: For the full list of reviews, tap
See all
below the
third review—then tap
Most helpful first
customize the list.
• Download: To download an app you found, tap it to
open details and then tap
, or the price.
•Share: To share an app you found, tap it to open
details and then tap .
•Reinstall: To show or reinstall apps you downloaded
from the Google Play Store app, tap Menu
My Apps
• On a computer: To find and manage apps from any
computer, go to http://play.google.com
using your
Google™ account and password.
There, you can browse apps on the big screen,
manage your apps across multiple devices (like a
smartphone and tablet), and even set new apps to
download to your devices.
• Music, Books & Movies: You can also use the Google
Play Store app to download “Music on Google Play™” on
page 44, “Books on Google Play™” on page 45, and
“Movies & TV on Google Play™” on page 43.
•Help: To get help and more, tap Menu .
Apps from the web
You can get apps from online app stores using your
Tip: Choose your apps and updates carefully, as some
may impact your smartphone’s performance—see
“Choose carefully” on page 12.
To let your smartphone install apps that are not from
Google Play, tap Menu >
System settings
Security &
Screen Lock
and check
Unknown sources
To download files from your browser, see “Downloads”
on page 37.