StreamPlayer User Guide 21
Chapter 7
Capture Driver
MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 only. VBrick's Capture Driver is a virtual video capture card.
The Capture Driver software acts similar to the way hardware capture cards work, with the
added benefit that it can receive video originating from a VBrick. The Capture Driver receives
the MPEG video and outputs AVI or DV video; therefore, all existing software programs that
capture or manipulate video and audio may be used with VBrick appliances. The Capture
Driver software is currently supported for MPEG-1 and MPEG-2. Video sources may be
anywhere on the network. Unlike hardware capture devices, the connection does not require a
physical connection to a computer through an analog coax or Firewire cable. Also, any
number of video sources is possible. There is no limit imposed by the number of physical
audio/video inputs available on the computer. Since the process is digital, there is no
conversion loss. The capture driver enables frame capture, motion detection, automatic email
notification, logging, and more, for security and monitoring applications. Video can be
captured, using an editing program, in multiple formats, including AVI, DV, etc. and edited
directly using a familiar editing tool. Video can also be re-encoded from MPEG format to
other formats that might be more suitable for the application.
Once installed, it appears in the Window's Multimedia Control Panel like a physical capture
card. Any video application that allows the selection of an installed audio/video device will
provide VBrick as a choice for video input. Selecting
VBrick Video Capture permits choosing
a physical VBrick appliance through a Program Guide. Upon selection, the Capture Driver
processes the video stream, identifies it as MPEG-1 or MPEG-2, and decodes it. The
decoded audio/video is delivered to Windows via a standard DirectX interface, just like a
local physical capture card. The video software does not know or care that the audio/video
source may be miles away—delivered to the computer as MPEG over IP—it acts like a local
video capture card.
Installing Capture Driver
By default the VBrick Capture Driver is not installed with the installation of the StreamPlayer
Plus software. In order to install the Capture Driver software, rerun the
SetupStreamPlayer_4_4_0.exe (the software cannot be installed from Add or Remove
). A maintenance window will appear asking if you want to Modify, Repair, or
Remove, Choose
Modify and press Next. The Add/Remove Components dialog box will