E:401 E:301
Error Codes
A error in the mixer will trigger an ERROR code in the time display. See the chart below for an
explanation of error codes and the procedure for correcting them.
The servo motor block actuator (B) did not contact the minimum speed microswitch (A) after
the stop button was pushed or the programmed recipe completed.
The computer is programmed to slow the mixer down to low speed before shutting off. It will not do
this unless the microswitch is contacted by the block mounted on the speed adjustment shaft.
To correct this error:
1) Check the microswitch (A) to see if it is working by manually pushing it, when pushed, the “MIN”
light should energize on the control panel. If it does not, the microswitch is faulty.
2) The actuator (B) is not contacting the switch, adjust the switch up by loosening the screws (C).
3) The servo motor is not moving at all. check the fuses in the rear of the control , if blown, replace
,if not blown ,check the voltage (31 VDC) at the servo motor while the mixer is running. If voltage is
present, the servo is faulty.